Minnesota 2014 State House Results
This will be a multi-part post looking at what happened to the DFL candidates for State House in 2014. It will be focused on the numbers rather than message or issues, mainly because I have more access to the numbers. In later parts I will create more metrics (such as democratic base and DPI) and visualize the results with maps. When I was working on this, I used a few Jupyter notebooks that are available here. Fair warning, they are pretty disorganized but do show all of the steps (albeit out of order).
2014 Results
In this post I am going to gather election results data from the Minnesota Secretary of State and Wikipedia.
Let's start with results from the most recent general election, 2014. The following Python code will initialize needed packages and put the results into a Pandas dataframe made from the excel file.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
url14 = 'http://www.sos.state.mn.us/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=14542'
e2014 = pd.read_excel(url14)
e2014['Year'] = '2014'
The last command gives the number of rows in the data as a quick check that everything downloaded correctly. I have also added a column for year and set it to 2014.
The data returned is at precinct level, and is pretty messy. First I'll rename the columns.
e2014 = e2014[cols2014]
Next I will aggregate the data to the State House level and take a look at our data.
e14 = e2014.groupby('MNLEGDIST', as_index = False).sum()
The Secretary of State only has raw vote totals, but this not how I usually look at election results. The following code creates percentages for the DFL candidates as new columns in the dataframe. (I'll come back later and filter down to the just the State House candidates.)
e14['MNAGPERC'] = e14['MNAGDFL']/e14['MNAGTOTAL']
stateHouseStats2016 = e14
Candidate information
I also want to see which representatives are incumbents. Luckily, Wikipedia has legislator data for the Minnesota House complete with a table of when they were elected here. The following code loads the libraries and starts the webscrape using Beautiful Soup.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import re
import numpy as np
import string
url = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_House_of_Representatives'
r = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
The last line in the code prints out the text from the website and can be used to figure out the rest of the scraper (optional step). After reviewing the output, I am interested in the table that includes when they were first elected. Let's select that table and initialize some Python lists to put the data into:
legis_tbl = soup.find('table', class_ = "wikitable sortable")
The above code prints out all of the lines in the table(s) that have the class "wikitable sortable". Let's select that table and initialize some Python lists to put the data into:
district = []
name = []
party = []
elected = []
The next step is to parse that table and append the data to the lists. There are a few legislators who have served non-consecutive terms and have multiple dates in their "Elected" column. The sample code grabs the most recent date, which is fine for my purposes. They will not be considered incumbents if their most recent win was in 2014.
for row in legis_tbl.findAll('tr'):
cells = row.findAll('td')
if len(cells) > 0:
Next I will add them to a Pandas data frame with the following code.
legislator_info = pd.DataFrame(district,columns=['District'])
legislator_info['District'] = district
legislator_info['Name'] = name
legislator_info['Party'] = party
legislator_info['Elected'] = elected
Now that the data is in a data frame, I have some more cleanup to do. First I'll remove extraneous punctuation and then convert the year column to an integer.
def remove_punctuation(s):
s = ''.join([i for i in s if i not in frozenset(string.punctuation)])
return s
legislator_info['FirstElected'] = legislator_info['Elected'].apply(remove_punctuation)
While I am cleaning up data, let's add a column to show if they were DFL or Republican pickup (as opposed to a incumbent retaining their seat). I will use two functions to accomplish this. The first one will see if the candidate is newly elected and the second one codes them based on party affiliation. The second function assigns them a numeric code I can use later to visualize the data.
def newly_elected(x):
if x['YearElected'] == 2014 or x['YearElected'] == 2015:
return x['Party']
return 'Incumbent'
def new_elected_code(x):
if x['Pickup'] == 'Republican':
return 0
elif x['Pickup'] == 'Incumbent':
return 1
return 2
legislator_info['Pickup'] = legislator_info.apply(newly_elected, axis = 1)
legislator_info['Pickup_code'] = legislator_info.apply(new_elected_code, axis = 1)
Let's trim it down to just columns I want to use later
to_keep = ['District', 'Name', 'Party', 'Pickup', 'Pickup_code', 'YearElected']
legislators = legislator_info[to_keep]
Next I merge it with the data from earlier. (If you are looking at the notebook in github, there are a couple of extra fields in the example that I will cover in a later blog post.)
stateHouseStats2016 = pd.merge(stateHouseStats, legislators, left_on = 'District', right_on = 'District', how = 'inner')
At this point I have clean data for further analysis. If I was doing this as part of a campaign, I would either dump it to a SQL database or an Excel spreadsheet (depending on the campaign). Since I will use this data to create some maps in a future post, I will write it out to a csv.
Thanks for reading the first tutorial!
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